Television has grown and transformed in the past decade, let alone from the early days back in the 1960s and 1970s. There are thousands upon thousands of aspiring sportscasters looking to make an impact in an extremely crowded field.

How can aspiring sportscasters stand out? What can they do to separate themselves from the pack? Here are a few tips for those aspiring to be a sportscaster.

Learn by Doing

Being great at any job means constantly learning. But the fact of the matter is that you don’t learn through books or classrooms in the field. You learn by taking on new challenges and trying to master them.

Trying out the various aspects of the business is a great place to start. Don’t just master your role but know the roles of those around you. It gives more perspective on the broadcast as a whole and provides better understanding of how the entire show runs.

Be Resilient

This is one of the most competitive job fields there is. There is only so much room for those getting paid to do it for a living. That means working harder than others and sticking it out even when the prospects don’t look great.

Simply put you need to be able to persevere even when things don’t seem likely. The hardest working and most talented people will typically push through the glass ceiling. It may take time and there will no doubt be uncertainty, but it is a necessary trait to be successful.

Learn to Adapt

In just about any industry, evolution is a necessity. Nothing stays the same for very long and those who refuse to adapt to the times are often the ones left in the dust first. So, if you are looking to stand out in the most crowded industry in America, then you need to evolve and adapt.

That means being aware of the changes in the industry. Look for new trends and learn how they impact what you do. By being versatile and adaptive, you can roll with the tide of change.