Damian Muziani’s Blog

Damian Muziani hosts HINDSIGHT 2021!

Damian Muziani has signed with DBA Television to carry his intelligently-reverent weekly news snipe entitled “Hindsight 2021”, a three-minute summary of the latest in political and entertainment news, every Monday morning.

Currently, “Hindsight 2021” can be found on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFiBxcuFq6OlQltk-0dg3hA/videos

The idea came to Muziani during the weeks preceding the 2020 Presidential Election.  “I was submitting for a hosting job online,” says Muziani, “and the job description was someone who would read web-based news headlines and make witty comments about the stories or authors.  But they were looking for a throwback-type, like the disgruntled reporters from the 70’s movie Network.  They wanted me to dress sloppily and have trash all over my desk and a bottle of cheap whiskey in frame.  I decided to ignore their recommendation and actually put together what would end up being “Hindsight”.  They passed on me, but I decided to develop the product a bit more and now I’ve established a four-figure subscriber base and have been steadily increasing every week.” 

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Media types also took notice, and the Roku-based DBA TV Network signed with Muziani to carry his Hindsight segments before they even hit YouTube. “Its great to have your work valued, and as long as there are people and events to comment on, Hindsight 2021 will give them all a very hard look!”, added Muziani.